Progress Pride Flag
At the onset of the Summer 2020 season, our President, Tomik Dash wrote an article called “A Guide to Being Anti-Racist in Fire Island.” In the article he named 16 things that white people can get to work on immediately to make the neighborhoods of Fire Island Pines and Cherry Grove more equitable and inclusive. The very first thing on the list was to fly the Progress Pride Flag.
“When the Sayville Ferry is sailing into Cherry Grove, the immediate focal points are the giant rainbow flags that billow over the dock. I have literally heard people give audible sighs of relief when they see it. They’re comforted. They feel welcomed. Feeling welcomed in Fire Island is a privilege. I think a way to make POC, who are already coming with some defenses up, feel welcome, is to fly this flag high on the poles in Cherry Grove, and to hang it off of the upstairs balcony of the Pavilion in the Pines.”
Fast forward two months later, Greg Scarnici hosted a Black Lives Matter benefit at The Ice Palace, and with the help of Zola Powell and Brenda Darling as the events entertainers, Corey Craig as the event DJ, and Tomik as the host, they raised nearly $1800 from the community toward the $2k marine quality flag that was to be designed for the Grove by the flags original artist, Daniel Quasar. With the difference being made up by a gracious Grove homeowner, BaBEC has purchased and procured the flag.
Our plan is to kick off Cherry Grove’s Juneteenth weekend with a ceremony to unveil our new Progress Pride Flag. We hope for it to be a beaming symbol of what is happening and what’s to come in Cherry Grove.